Episode 22
Why is the carnivore community so divided? Harmony Day - Episode 22
There is much division between the carnivore community, much disagreement on what the carnivore diet is, what we should be eating to maintain a healthy life, and how we can get the optimum nutrition, but it doesn't have to be this way. We can learn from each other if we stop fighting and listen to others, listen to their experiences and experiments and then learn how to apply it to our own health.
In this episode I discuss the divisions within the carnivore community and the obvious divide between carnivores and vegans.
I believe we have much more in common than people think as we all agree that diet is paramount to a healthy lifestyle, we all care about the environment, and we all care deeply about animal welfare.
Vegans diet and carnivore diet are obviously very different, but there are similarities and we should try to learn from each other.
Just my 2cents on Harmony Day :)
_Welcome to The Meat Medic Podcast. I'm your host Dr Suresh Khirwadkar. I'm a GP and Lifestyle Physician and I'm a practicing carnivore. I've had great success myself and with patients by following a carnivore diet, and want to spread the word about how to achieve optimal health through diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes._
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_Do you have a story to share about your health, or success story losing weight or following a low carb / keto / carnivore diet? Please get in touch by social media or book to come on to my podcast at https://themeatmedic.com/booking_
All health advice is general in nature and is not intended to be individualized health advice. Always see your personal doctor if you are concerned about your health
Any reference to drugs or drug taking is strictly for educational purposes only and does not encourage the use of illicit or illegal substances.
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